viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

BBC site

Hello, I would like to talk about of the web site of BBC that I visited in my class of English Language. Well, you know that internet is a very interesting place where you can find a lot of information and learning things. BBC site is the case. It is an amazing place for students and people that want to learn english and another things. I'm an english student and for this reason I found the web site very useful.

In my case, I liked too much because I could find links about listening and pronunciation. Also I found quizzes, dialogues, videos, exercises of vocabulary and grammar and things like that. Also you can find information about news, recipe of cook, sports, weather and alot of interesting things that you will enjoy in this web site.

I recommended this web site, and if you have time, I hope that you can visit this site and learning things about english.

4 comentarios:

  1. i already visited the site and let me tell you, that is amazing, i've never seen so useful site like this one, i mean, with so many tools to improve our skill, as we are english learner we could use it in different a useful ways.

    i hope all the world could visit it.


  2. Do you think we can learn reading about recipes? - I think so, I used to play a game where I had to cook and I learnt vegetables names and what was the name for some actions, maybe we should try to cook something if we are successful, we understood the instructions. I don't know to cook, maybe I'll learn it with English :P

  3. Hello colleague!
    I already sent the homework to Ganina
    is Fallin' by Alicia Keys...
    sorry for not going to class on Friday, but I didn't feel very good, I had an aweful headache.
    Good Luck!

  4. Chilenito!
    How wonderful this page is!!!!
    The first time I see it I found it extremely useful, even I've been studying and hearing phonetic sounds.
    well, My Chilenito...
    Thanks for your comment!
    I like your dark blog! It has its style!

    see you on Monday
    and have a nice Easter.

    eat chocolate!!!!!
